In the aftermath of the 2nd World War a powerful impulse in France and Germany that never again would they go to war initiated the twinning process between individual towns and cities in the two countries. This impulse was also felt in the UK. In 1965 St Pol-sur-Ternoise and Warstein became twins, and this was followed by the twinning of Hebden Royd with St Pol in 1979, and with Warstein in 1995.

The basis of the twinning process is that families and individuals in one town host visitors from their twin in their homes. This can be a challenge, but also leads to long-term friendships.

Jane Jackson’s first degree was a BA in History from Leeds University awarded in 1968. Although she subsequently worked for more than 45 years in management in the manufacturing industry, she has always retained her interest in history. She moved to Hebden Bridge in 2009 and joined both the HBLHS and the Hebden Bridge Twinning Society, of which she us now Secretary/Communications Manager.